I launched my podcast, “REDIRECTION with Terri-Karelle” yesterday (September 30, 2020) on “International Podcast Day” and after I hit the share button, I walked away. That was me saying “well, what is done is done…move away or you might just delete the post.” But I didn’t have the chance to change my mind because minutes later my post blew up and the support was overwhelmingly positive. Emails, whatsapp messages, direct messages, reposts and reshares from my tribe saying “Finally!!!” filled my inbox. I was SHOOK!!!!!!!
As I sat in my dining room trying to keep my emotions together and yes, I am being hella presumptuous to write this blog before even uploading my first episode, but I think it’s important for anyone who might be in the process of launching something (anything). I am choosing to share this because it’s really more than a podcast, it can represent your new project or new season. I ALMOST shelved this idea and here are the things that were highlighted for me during this process.
Yes, there is procrastination and that is the beast a lot of us talk about but for me, overthinking can be detrimental. Your brain is wired to process so many different scenarios, options, alternatives, excuses, and reasons to not go through with something. You may be onto a fantastic idea and yet your brain, in an attempt to keep you “safe”, will tell you “Nah fam, stay on the shore, don’t venture out there to sea.” Thing is, if you spend all your time overthinking, the right time will never come. At some point, you just gotta jump out that plane and pull that parachute. Are all my elements in place? Nope, but by starting and launching the “Redirection With Terri-Karelle” podcast, I will learn and figure things out and land on my feet.
Starting from Scratch
Let’s be real, no one truly gets up every day wanting to start from ground zero. There is happiness, bliss and downright mushy goodness in staying in familiar territory. C’mon! I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way. After you have spent time learning something, failing, and figuring out things, when you finally attain or achieve the goal, you just want to hit that cruise control button and sail down the highway on auto-pilot. We are relaxed and we don’t have to expend a lot of time or energy learning new processes. When you decide to take on something new and completely unrelated to your core business or passion, it can be daunting. We start thinking of all the reasons why it’s a bad idea to start something new. “Lawks, mi too ole fi guh learn dis.” “I can’t bother, this is going to take up too much time.” “I have way too much on my plate.” “I will start behind everyone.” Whichever the excuse is, you realise that you honestly won’t grow if you don’t shed old skin. Even now, I am still learning about podcasts and not all days are met with enthusiasm, but I will admit I have learnt more about producing a different kind of content. Now, I am better than clueless and that feels good. Starting from scratch isn’t a bad thing, it’s necessary to move to the next level.
Underestimating Your Impact
You inspire people who you know. People who you have never come into contact with are motivated by you. You move people who are in bigger positions, offices, and stations even if you don’t know it. The only person who underestimates the impact is you. This is not up for debate. We spend most of our time, pouring into others, cheering others on (nothing wrong with that) but we downplay the role we play in the lives of others. We underestimate the power we have to use the platforms afforded to us to use your voice, share gems, lived experiences, and lessons learnt to build and help our communities. Sometimes it comes with a little vulnerability but that becomes secondary when you realise the strength you give yourself and others by stepping into your purpose unapologetically. My “Redirection with Terri-Karelle” podcast is because I acknowledge and respect the impact that I may have on generations to come. It makes the risk worth it.
Lack of Support
I don’t think anyone can be cured of self-doubt. I believe as long as you have breath in your body, there will be moments when it will creep up on you and if you aren’t careful it will swallow you whole and leave you paralysed. Our favourite motivators aren’t immune to it either, they just do whatever they set their minds to do regardless. Most of us will typically anticipate poor support and that can provoke inaction. Here’s the thing though, usually all that negative talk is in your head. Believe it or not, there are people, groups, communities (big and small) that are just dying to throw support behind you, but you are too busy convincing yourself they don’t exist. If you don’t create it (your project, business, podcast etc.) how will you ever be so sure? After launching the “Redirection with Terri-Karelle” podcast, not only did I get subscriptions and real celebration, I got messages from persons with specialised skills who want to collaborate. This means that the opportunity to collaborate with other persons, who may offer an even better perspective exists and it wouldn’t have if I didn’t put it out there. So, put yourself out there (provided you actually have the goods to back it up) and you might surprise yourself by the support you receive. Despite what social media spews sometimes, people want to see you WIN. Let me just add, that support doesn’t have to be measured by numbers (quantity), but rather quality. It’s better to have the right people to support you- and they exist.
Comparison to Others
If this isn’t one of the biggest culprits in life! I don’t know what is. Information, content, rich media is oozing everywhere. Every nook and cranny has individuals and/or companies that are competing for audience attention and eyeballs. If there is one thing we do a lot of, it’s underestimating what we have to offer, it’s underestimating our story and journey. It doesn’t matter if lots of people know your story or not, it matters that you own your story and use it as a vehicle to inspire others. We may all hail from different places and spaces but the thing that connects us all is our humanity. We connect to each other through our experiences and our exchange can enlighten, motivate, inspire others around us. You may feel as if your story is an everyday common thing but I guarantee you, your journey has been seen and lived through a unique pair of eyes- YOURS! And that, my friend, is powerful! Whatever your focal point is, allow it to resonate in its purest and truest form. So my podcast is inspired by my life and all its ups and downs that lead me to where I am today. I encourage you to build, position and share your story in the way that only you can.

There are tons more fear-based reasons that other people experience but here are my affirmations while I prepared to launch the “Redirection with Terri-Karelle” podcast :
- You are so much more than you know! Believe it!
- Be kind to yourself and be careful of the language you use when you speak to yourself
- Doing other things that you are passionate about doesn’t take away from the other things you do. You are multi-dimensional. Own it
- There is no one on this earth better than you. They might be richer, perhaps more popular, but that doesn’t equate to better. Do you!
- Even if you attend classes, do research, go to webinars, pay for coaching lessons etc. if you don’t take the step, it all counts for naught! Inaction wins and then you really can’t blame anyone else but yourself.
- Being fearful doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you human. It’s pushing through that fear that makes you a beast! Do it scared!
- Build and value your community. The idea that if you build the product and the audience will just find you is tricky. Continue adding value to your community and they will show up and show out for you!
- Wanting to make a positive impact starts with YOU! You can’t help others if you aren’t willing to help yourself first
- Starting late isn’t a bad thing. You get to learn from those who have gone before. Just pace yourself and finish your race
- Surround yourself with people who know and can guide. You can’t and won’t know everything. Big ups to Kevin Valley of Caribbean Power Lunch podcast for the late-night conversations
- Your season can come upon you at any time and you have to be ready. So start putting your things together even when you have no plans on launching because whenever the timing is right, you will be prepared.
For those of you who would like to know about the equipment I use, read more here I hope you will come along with me on this new journey (if you haven’t already). You are more than welcome to join the most amazing and supportive community ever!!! Thank you, tribe. My heart is full.
Apple podcast: Subscribe here
Google podcast: Subscribe here
This is a good look. Congratulations.
Thank you ever so much!
Oh gosh man Terri. It’s like you wrote this specifically for me.
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Terri i started following you recently and to say that it has been worth it is an understatement. I literally got into work early and decided to read about your podcast that you launched recently and I cried my eyes out at work. I am venturing into unknown territories so as to achieve professional development and I have been procrastinating about starting because I feel as if being uncomfortable isn’t worth it right now. The question I ask is why do I have to go through all of this but reading your post has assured me that being uncomfortable and scared isn’t such a bad thing because that is where grown happens. Thank you so much for your post because it had inspired me this morning to start this new venture and give it my all because my only limitation is myself. Thank you.