Learning Languages and Becoming a Polyglot

 Learning languages allows us to do more than communicate with others, it’s a connection that transcends borders.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

Sometimes our primary skills or core competencies might have been put on hold temporarily or permanently (depending). Before you look outward, dig deep. Sometimes we possess other skills and crafts that we are not aware of, we know them but don’t acknowledge them, we take them for granted or we are simply afraid to put them on display.

After graduating from Cuba and being denied accreditation by the Vet Board, I felt as though I was robbed of Veterinary Medicine and left with a language that I couldn’t use. But then something happened, I became intentional. I started to speak it, started to engage and connect. I started to integrate it when hosting and moderating events for Spanish audiences.

As life has progressed, I now conduct client meetings via zoom in Spanish. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2Sm7RBAE-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

A secondary skill (that you possess) may very well become “the head cornerstone that the builder refused” when it was a mere stone. Opportunities don’t always present themselves in the way you think they will. But grab them no matter how small they are because you would be surprised to know the doors that await on the other side.

Learning languages can provide opportunities that can extend your individual and professional horizons. I was invited to speak at the Norman Manley Law School to discuss the importance of learning languages and being a polyglot (a person who is fluent in many languages).

Life has taught me that if we open our minds, embrace change and get ready for opportunities. When learning languages, don’t be conscious of making errors. We all make mistakes! You will sound funny and yes, you will mispronounce but that’s the only way you will learn.