The coronavirus (COVID-19) hit our country a few weeks ago and like most of you, I have been watching our world change right before our eyes. Being immunocompromised myself (I have asthma) and having several…
Date Archives March 2020
“International Women’s Day Profile – Terri-Karelle Reid”
For many years, I have celebrated International Women’s Day. I have read articles, features, documentaries and magazines that feature some of the most inspirational women on the planet. These women’s stories transcend borders and ignite…
Terri-Karelle wins the “Social Media Personality” Award
“DON’T USE social media to impress people, use it to impact people.”– Dave Willis Social media has the power to inspire “Posting with Purpose” is the strategy used by The Flair’s 2020 “Distinguished Social Media Personality…
Endometriosis: The Silent Struggle of the “Strong Black Woman”
Endometriosis is a disease that affects at least 1 out of every 10 Jamaican women during their reproductive years. It causes debilitating pain before and during menstrual cycles, painful orgasms during sex, and severe mental…
Spare the Rod, Discipline the Child?
Spare the rod, spoil the child. That’s what many of us grew up hearing from parents and caregivers. They believed that physically punishing children for wrongdoing was necessary, or else their personal development would suffer….
Disrupt | HER: The Future of Women in Tech
Where are the women in tech? What is the future of technology and how can women be an integral part of it, while getting the recognition and compensation deserved? Those are questions we sought to…
Safer Internet Day 2020: Is the Internet Broken?
February 11 is recognized as Safer Internet Day around the world. Each year, FLOW Jamaica – one of Jamaica’s primary telecom giants – visits various schools to do their part in educating our youth about…